Thursday, January 24, 2019

Catholics Only Give Worship of Latria to God

"But we, Catholics, never confuse the Creator with the creature, its irrevocable distinction is the dogma of our faith. We know and we teach and place within the reach of the humblest apprentice of the Catechism, that the proper adoration cult, which is called latria, is for God alone, that the cult to the saints and to the Blessed Virgin is only veneration, and therefore it has a different meaning and name. It is a foolish offensive - repeated with monotonous stubbornness by Protestant propaganda - that Catholics adore Mary as if she were God. And it is no less foolish to call us idolaters because we reverence images: it is a basic truth that in them we revere the person that they represent, not the stone or the stick or the canvas, as we uncover our head before the flag of our country and not before the cloth, and as we kiss the portrait of our mother, we kiss her and not the cardboard.”

ALFONSO JUNCO, Mexican Catholic historian and poet.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Act of Reparation by Pope Pius XI

O Sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thine altar eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.

Mindful alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those, who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or renouncing the vows of their baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law.

We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violation of Sundays and holidays, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very Sacrament of Thy divine love; and lastly for the public crimes of nations who resist the rights and the teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded.

Would O divine Jesus, we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood! We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy divine honor, the satisfaction Thou didst once make to Thy eternal Father on the cross and which Thou dost continue to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make recompense, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. Henceforth we will live a life of unwavering faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel and especially that of Charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee.

O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, where Thou with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


According to a Worldometers report, published by LifeNews, in the year 2018 there were almost 42 million abortions worldwide, being the main cause of death. In the USA, it is estimated that since 1973 60 million abortions have been practiced.

Actuall. The statistics compiled by Worldometers and published by LifeNews undoubtedly provide heartbreaking figures. Almost 42 million human beings were aborted in the world during the year 2018, hence becoming the main cause of mortality. The website collects data from governments and other accredited organizations and reports it along with estimates and projections.

As of December 31, 2018, approximately 41.9 million abortions were performed during the year. In contrast, 8.2 million people died of cancer, 5 million died because of tobacco and 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS.

In the world, 23 percent of pregnancies were aborted, and for every 33 births, ten babies were aborted.

Worldometers estimate around 59 million deaths worldwide in 2018, but that figure does not include abortion-related deaths, because the babies are not recognized as living beings, according to LifeNews.

In the United States, almost one million babies are aborted each year. Although abortion rates have declined in the last decade, abortion remains the leading cause of death in the United States as well.

Since Roe v. Wade case, in 1973, it is estimated that there have been more than 60 million abortions in the US. In January, pro-life supporters will gather for the annual March for Life in Washington to mark the anniversary of that infamous decision.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Vision of Ana Catalina Emmerich

“I saw within a city, a meeting of clergy, laymen and women, who were sitting together, eating and making frivolous jokes, and above them a dark cloud which descended in a plain submerged in darkness. Amid this fog, I saw Satan sitting and around him, many companions as people were in the meeting which was going on. All these evil spirits were continually moving and busy trying to push the people at this meeting to do evil. They whispered to them to their ears and acted on them in all possible ways. These people were in a very dangerous state of sensual excitement and in provocative conversations. Churchmen were the kind of people whose principle was: “You have to live and let live. In our time we should not be apart or be misanthropes (a person who hates or distrusts humankind): we must rejoice with those who rejoice.”

Blessed Catherine Emmerich, AA II. 488.