Sunday, March 31, 2024


 It is for this supreme moment of radiating joy that Our Lord came into the world, paying back the blood debt of our own sins so that we could have life and have it to the fullest. Thus, our old lives of unbelief and self-centeredness must be forever buried in the waters of our baptism. We must put on the new man Who is Jesus Christ, which is why our Godparents were given a white baptismal gown to place on us. We must understand that we are meant to shine forth always the light of Christ in the world, which is why our Godparents held a lit candle at the moment of our baptism. Easter Sunday teaches us that Our Lord wants us to be transfigured in glory for all eternity. And we must understand that every aspect of our daily lives - and of the lives of nations themselves, as Pope Pius XI reminded Catholics in Quas Primas in 1925 - must reflect the reality of the Incarnation, Nativity, Hidden Years, Public Ministry, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity made Man, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 29, 2024

GOOD FRIDAY (Mandatory fast and abstinence)

 GOOD FRIDAY (Mandatory fast and abstinence)

This day is for you to cry out for mercy for yourself and the entire human race. On Good Friday you should participate in Christ’s funeral by hearing to the Gospel of the Passion and the Seven Words, which are the last guidelines that Christ, our Redeemer, gave us.

Confess this day all your iniquities, cleanse your soul from the leprosy of sin with the Blood of Christ, participate in the Passion of your Savior, so that one day you may share His Victory.

Christ suffered on Good Friday to set you free from sin, which is the most terrible cancer, and from Hell, the greatest misfortune.

And you are thinking of going on holiday like so many other Neo-Pagans, perhaps to die in the road of ingratitude!

On Good Friday you should follow the Way of the Cross, meditate on what your Lord suffered for you to realize what sin deserves. Read the last chapters of Matthew, Luke or John, or watch the movie The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, to help you understand the price Christ paid to set you free from the power of sin and the devil in order to make you a son of God.

Good Friday is a day of abstinence, fast and penance; silence and tears; mourning and grief; and not a day to spend it on the beach, surrounded by pleasures and diversions (neither licit nor illicit).

Friday, March 15, 2024

“A church where I will show my love”

Speaking to him in Nahuatl, his native language, she said to him, “Juanito, my son, where are you going?”—”Noble Lady, my Queen, I am going to the Mass in Mexico City to hear the divine things that the priest teaches us there.”—”I want you to know for certain, my dear son, that I am the perfect and always Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God from Whom all life comes, the Lord of all things, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I greatly desire that a church be built in my honor, in which I will show my love, compassion, and protection. I am your Mother full of mercy and love for you and all those who love Me, trust in Me, and have recourse to Me. I will hear their complaints and I will comfort their affliction and their sufferings. So that I might show all My love, go now to the bishop in Mexico City and tell him that I am sending you to make known to him the great desire I have to see a church dedicated to me built here.”

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What do we find in the beautiful eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe?

 What do we find in the beautiful eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe? In her right eye, there is a clear image of a bearded man, St. Juan Diego. This was discovered in 1929.

Fifty years later, when technology made it possible to magnify the image 2,500 times, they discovered that 13 other people were reflected in the Virgin's eyes. It is believed that the reflection transmitted by the eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the scene on December 9, 1531, during which St. Juan Diego showed his tilma, with the image, to Bishop Juan de Zumárraga and others present in the room. Nuclear physicist Dr. Charles Wahlig also posited that the Blessed Mother must have been invisibly present when St. Juan Diego was presenting the roses to Bishop Zumarraga and that the tilma acted like a photographic plate that captured her image and the reflection of their images in her eyes.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

About Liberal Catholics - Words from St Pius X


Pope St. Pius X says that liberal Catholics are wolves in sheep's clothing.  The priest must unveil to the people their wickedness and evil designs.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Cardinal Burke promotes 9-month novena to pray for the Church amid ‘forces of sin’

 Cardinal Raymond Burke this week invited Catholics to join in praying a nine-month novena seeking Mary’s intercession beginning on March 12 and culminating on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Show an interest in your child’s welfare

 Show an interest in your child’s welfare. You can do this by devoting time to them, every day if possible. Try to discuss with them their experiences, problems, successes and failures. By giving yourself to them in this intimate way, you give them the feeling that they can always depend upon you to understand and help them in their difficulties.