Sunday, March 31, 2019
About Renounce
"Those who devote themselves to the study of wisdom must live in such a way that they abstain from erotic matters, from the pleasures of gluttony, from the debauchery of the body, from idle recreations, from defamation and envy, from wishing to be honored, and from the desire of power. Be aware that love of money is like a poison for all your hope. Never act hastily. [...] Do not hate anyone; do not wish to eradicate all evil. […] Avoid friendships with all concern, do not lose your time with the proud and in no way be like them; live an orderly life and in harmony, serve God, think of Him, seek Faith, Hope and Charity. Wish for a good mind and a quiet life for yourself and for all others.
Saint Augustine, Order
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Atheists and Religion
“Even those who hate religion have never really lost it; if they had, they would not hate it so much.
The intensity of their hate is the proof of the reality of that which they hate. If they really lost religion, they would not spend all their energy attempting to make everyone else lose theirs; a man who has lost a watch does not go about persuading others to lose their watches.”
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
P.S. Dear atheists, I am sorry to tell you that you have never stopped being religious.
Monday, March 25, 2019
General Rule
"When a Catholic stops going to Confession and is abandoned to himself, he walks from abyss to abyss and as a weak plant without protection, exposed to the force of the winds, falls into the most terrible excesses. Generally, the best Christians and most honest men are those who frequent Confession."
Saint John Bosco.
Saint John Bosco.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Pain puts on an equal footing all who suffer, which is to put all men on an equal footing, because all men suffer; happiness separates us, suffering unites us with fraternal bonds. Pain takes away what we have plenty of and gives us what we lack, giving man a perfect balance: the proud does not suffer without losing some of his pride, nor the ambitious without losing some of his ambition, nor the angry without losing some of his anger, or the lustful without losing some of his lust. Sorrow puts out the fires of passion; at the same time that it takes away what harms us, it gives us what ennobles us; the hard-hearted never suffer without feeling more inclined to compassion, nor the haughty without being more humble, nor the lustful without becoming more chaste; the violent is tamed, the weak is strengthened. No one comes out from that great forge of pain worse than he went in; most come out of it with great virtues that they never knew before: he who enters impious comes out religious; he who enters greedy comes out as a beggar; he who enters without ever having cried comes out with the gift of tears; he who enters hard-hearted comes out full of mercy. Pain has something fortifying, virile and profound, that is the origin of all heroism and all greatness; none have felt its mysterious contact without growing; pain gives the child the virility of the young men, it gives the young men the maturity and seriousness of the grown men, it gives the grown men the strength of the heroes, and it gives the heroes the holiness of the saints.
Juan Donoso Cortés
Donoso Cortés
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Do Not Give in to Weariness
Oppose vigorously any inclinations to sadness, and although it may seem that all you do at that time is done coldly, without relish, and languidly, nevertheless do not fail to do it; for the enemy seeks by sadness to make us weary of good works; and when he sees that we cease not to do them, and that being done in spite of opposition they are the more meritorious, he will cease to trouble us.
Saint Francis of Sales
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The Story of a Sinner Saved by the Virgin Mary
We read in the life of sister Catherine, an Augustinian nun, that in the place where that servant of God lived, there lived also a woman named Mary, who, in her youth, was a sinner, and obstinately persevered in her evil courses, even to extreme old age. For this she was banished by her fellow citizens, forced to live in a cave beyond the limits of the place, and died in a state of loathsome corruption, abandoned by all, and without the sacraments; and on this account was buried in a field, like a beast.
Now sister Catherine, who was accustomed to recommend very affectionately to God the souls of those who had departed this life, after learning the miserable death of this poor old woman, did not think of praying for her, as she and every one else believed her already among the damned.
Four years having past, a soul from purgatory one day appeared to her, and said,
"Sister Catherine, how unhappy is my fate! You commend to God the souls of all those who die, and for my soul alone you have had no pity." "Who are you?" said the servant of God. "I am," answered she, "that poor Mary who died in the cave." "How! are you saved?" exclaimed sister Catherine. "Yes, I am saved," she said, "by the mercy of the Virgin Mary”.
When I saw death drawing near, finding myself laden with sins, and abandoned by all, I turned to the mother of God and said to her, Lady, thou art the refuge of the abandoned, behold me at this hour deserted by all; thou art my only hope, thou alone canst help me; have pity on me. The holy Virgin obtained for me the grace of making an act of contrition; I died and am saved.
And my queen has also obtained for me the grace that my pains should be abridged, and that I should, by suffering intensely for a short time, pass through that purification which otherwise would have lasted many years. A few masses only are needed to obtain my release from purgatory. I pray thee cause them to be offered for me, and I promise to pray God and Mary for thee."
Sister Catherine immediately caused those masses to be said for her, and that soul, after a few days, appeared to her again, more brilliant than the sun, and said to her, "I thank thee, sister Catherine: behold I am now going to paradise to sing the mercy of God and pray for thee."
Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, The Glories of Mary, Ch. 1.
Virgin Mary
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Friday, March 8, 2019
Vatican Council I
“For the doctrine of faith which God has revealed has not been proposed, like a philosophical invention, to be perfected by human ingenuity; but has been delivered as a divine deposit to the Spouse of Christ, to be faithfully kept and infallibly declared. Hence, also, that meaning of the sacred dogmas is perpetually to be retained which our holy Mother the Church has once declared; nor is that meaning ever to be departed from, under the pretence or pretext of a deeper comprehension of them.” (D, 1800).
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Receive Communion in the State of Grace, Kneeling and on the Tongue
The modernists rebuked Pope Pius X, so that he would allow them to receive Holy Communion standing, on the grounds that the Israelites had eaten the paschal lamb, symbol and promise of the Eucharist, standing.
The answer of the Pope was:
“One waits for symbols and promises standing, but the Reality, one receives with love and on one's knees”
H.H. Pope St. Pius X
Monday, March 4, 2019
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Approach Jesus with the Confidence of a Child
“And they brought to him young children, that he might touch them. And the disciples rebuked them that brought them. Whom when Jesus saw, he was much displeased and saith to them: Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mk. 10, 13-16).
How many things we can learn from children: their simplicity, their joy, their enthusiasm, their innocence, their purity, but especially we can learn their serene confidence. A child knows very well that his parents love him and that is why he trusts blindly in them. He does not question things; he simply abandons himself to the will of his parents. It is precisely that trust that pleases Christ the most and He invites us to imitate children in our relationship with the Heavenly Father.
God is an infinitely good Father and He is always trying to show us His love, but He asks us to be like children, to accept with simplicity His plans and abandon ourselves in His arms, with the full confidence that His love for us is greater and more powerful than any setback.
Joy is the reflection of a soul that trusts in God and is the clearest and most eloquent hallmark of Christian faith, that is why we should strive to spread it to all those who come to us, knowing that our joy is a silent but eloquent word that speaks of God's love and trust in Him.
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