Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Historic Document: Filial Plea to Pope Francis from 16 Important Catholic Leaders (video)

“A great number of souls are in danger of eternal damnation”, they warn.

16 important Catholic pro-life leaders, faithfully plead Pope Francis to put an end to the doctrinal confusion, to restore the clarity of the Magisterium and to reaffirm the immutable teachings taught by Christ and His Church, which are unchangeable and perennial.

They say that: “there is the possibility that a great number of souls get lost eternally” if the errors and ambiguities contained in the Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris laetitia, are not corrected. This is an exhortation that did not use the prerogative of infallibility by not maintaining integrity the doctrine taught by Christ, which have always been guarded by the Catholic Church.