Wednesday, November 1, 2017
The Catholic Church remembers and venerates, on this day, all the Saints who are in Heaven
The purpose of this celebration is to thank God for the grace He has granted to His chosen ones and move us to imitate their virtues and to follow their example, or to implore Divine Mercy through the intercession of such powerful lawyers.
All who are in the presence of the Lord are holy. Some in the altars, others anonymous, but not less close to the heart of the Eternal Father.
The "Feast of All Saints" began to be celebrated in the East. It can be found in the West on different dates as early as the 8th century. The Roman Martyrology praises Pope Gregory IV (827 - 844) for having extended it to all Christendom; it seems, however, that Pope Gregory III (731-744) had preceded him in this decision.
On the other hand, in Rome, on May 13, the dedication of the Basilica of Santa Maria and all the martyrs was already celebrated; that is to say, the Pantheon, Temple of Agrippa, dedicated to all the gods of paganism, to which Pope Boniface IV had moved numerous bones from the catacombs. This explains why so many texts of today's Mass have been taken from the liturgy of the martyrs. Pope Gregory VII moved the anniversary of this feast to November 1.
The Church, which in the course of the year celebrates the feasts of its saints one by one, gathers them all today in a common celebration. In addition to those she can call by their names, she evokes in a great vision a whole countless crowd of Saints "of all nations, tribes, peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the lamb, clothed in white robes and with palms in hand ", who acclaim the one who with His Blood rescued them.