Sunday, June 17, 2018
Prayer to the Pierced Heart of Jesus
Oh my beloved and sweet Jesus, I wish with all the affections of my heart, that all creatures praise, honor and glorify you eternally for the sacred wound of Your side. I deposit and enclose in the open wound of Your Heart, my heart and all my feelings, thoughts, desires, intentions and all the faculties of my mind. I beg of you, for Your precious Blood and Water that flowed from Your most precious Heart, that You take entire possession of me, that You guide me in all things. Consume me in the burning fire of Your holy Love, so that I may be so absorbed and transformed in You that I no longer me but one with you.
V. Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
R. Make my heart like unto thine.
V. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
R. In You I trust.
V. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
R. Forgive us and be our King.
V. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
R. Make us love Thee more and more.
V. Divine Heart of Jesus,
R. Convert sinners, save the dying, free the holy souls from Purgatory.
V. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
R. Protect our families.
V. In Heaven and earth be praised forever,
R. The loving heart of the Blessed Sacrament.
V. May Christ, Our Blessed Lord, be forever blessed and adored,
R. Our King for ever and ever.
Sacred Heart