“Behold me, O my most loving God, loaded with the general and particular benefits which Thou hast bestowed, and wilt bestow upon me, in time and eternity. I know that Thy mercies to me have been and are infinite. But I am ready to pay Thee for all, even to the last farthing. Behold the tribute of my gratitude. The payment which I offer for all Thy goodness is this divine blood, this most precious body, this innocent victim, which I present to Thee by the hands of thy priest. I am certain that this oblation is sufficient to pay for all the gifts Thou hast conferred upon me; this gift of infinite value, is an equivalent for all the favors I have ever received, or now receive from Thee.
Ah! ye holy angels, and all ye blessed spirits, help me to thank my God; and in thanksgiving for His great benefits, offer to Him not only this Mass, but all the Masses that are now being celebrated throughout the whole world, that His loving goodness may be fully recompensed for all the graces which He has bestowed, and is to bestow upon me now and for eternity. Amen.”
Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, The Hidden Treasure of the Holy Mass