Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Great are the advantages to be derived from meditating on the Cross, the first of which is, not only a detestation of past sins, but also the firm resolution to fight against our ever present disorderly appetites, which crucified our Savior. 

The second advantage is the forgiveness of sins, obtained from Jesus crucified, and a wholesome self-contempt which inspires us forever to forsake offending Him, and continually to love and serve Him with all our hearts in acknowledgment of what He suffered for our sakes. 

The third is the unceasing labor with which we root out all depraved habits, however trivial they may appear. 

The fourth consists in our ardent efforts to imitate our Divine Master, who, according to Saint Peter, "suffered for us, leaving us an example so that we could follow in His footsteps" (1P 2, 21).

Father Lorenzo Scupoli – Spiritual Combat