Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all, I come before You in humble adoration. Your wisdom surpasses all understanding, and Your love knows no bounds.

I praise You for Your infinite wisdom and boundless love. Thank You for Your constant presence in my life.

Lord, I surrender myself completely to You. Take my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my desires. Purify them, sanctify them, and align them with Your divine plan. May every breath I take be for Your greater glory.

Grant me the courage to say “yes” to Your will, as Mary did at the Annunciation. Like her, may I be Your humble servant, ready to accept whatever You ask of me.

In times of challenge, be my support. When I am weak, be my strength. When I am doubtful, be my certainty. When I am fearful, be my courage. When I am prideful, teach me humility. Grant me patience in times of waiting. Perseverance in times of trial. And gratitude in times of blessing.

Guide me in my daily walk with You. Help me to see Your hand in all things, to trust in Your infinite wisdom and love. May I find joy in serving You and others, knowing that in doing so, I fulfill Your holy will.

Guide me in my vocation and daily duties. May I be a faithful steward of the gifts You’ve given me, using them to build Your Kingdom on earth.

Lord, in my human frailty, when I stray from Your path, gently call me back. Forgive me for the times I’ve placed my will before Yours, and grant me the grace to begin anew each day.

In moments of decision, big or small, may I always ask, “What would You have me do?” Give me the wisdom to choose rightly, and the strength to follow through.

I pray not only for myself but for all Your children. May Your love and peace reign in every heart.

I offer this prayer to You, O God, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

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