It was a warm night at the grandparents’ house, filled with the scent of freshly baked bread and the soft creaking of the wooden floor. Sofía, a ten-year-old girl with dark hair and bright eyes, was sitting on the couch with her grandfather, Don Joaquín, a man with a white beard and a gentle voice who loved telling stories under the glow of the lamp.
“Grandpa, will you tell me a story before bed?” Sofía asked, settling into his lap.
Her grandfather smiled and stroked her hair.
“Of course, little one. But first, tell me—did you ask your father for his blessing?”
Sofía lowered her gaze and fidgeted with her feet.
“Hmm… no. Sometimes I forget, Grandpa. Mom says that God watches over me anyway…”
Her grandfather frowned with tenderness and, with a sigh, took her hand.
“Let me tell you a story, but listen carefully because it’s about something very important.”
Sofía nodded curiously.
The Secret of the Blessing
A long time ago, in the land of Canaan, there was an old man named Isaac. He had two sons, Esau and Jacob. One day, when Isaac was very old, he wanted to give his blessing before he died. Now, a father’s blessing is not just nice words, Sofía; it’s as if God Himself speaks through him. The Bible says that Isaac laid his hands on Jacob and said:
“May God give you the dew of heaven and the richness of the earth—an abundance of grain and new wine. May nations serve you, and peoples bow down to you…” (Genesis 27:28-29).
“Did it work, Grandpa?” Sofía asked, her eyes wide.
Her grandfather nodded.
“Of course, my child. That blessing stayed with Jacob all his life, and his descendants became God’s chosen people. But this isn’t just an old story. In our faith, when a father blesses his child, it is God Himself who extends His hand. Saint Thomas Aquinas said that earthly fatherhood is a reflection of God’s Fatherhood (Summa Theologiae II-II, q.102, a.1).”
Sofía frowned.
“So… it’s like God is speaking through Dad?”
Her grandfather smiled and tapped the tip of her nose.
“Exactly. It’s a great mystery, but that’s how God designed it. Do you remember what the Bible says? ‘Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you’ (Exodus 20:12). It’s not just a suggestion—it’s a promise.”
“And what if I don’t do it?”
Her grandfather sighed.
“The Bible also says that ‘a father’s blessing strengthens the houses of his children, but a mother’s curse uproots their foundations’ (Sirach 3:8-11). When a child despises their father’s blessing, it’s as if they are closing the door to a gift from Heaven.”
Sofía looked down at her hands, deep in thought.
“But Grandpa, sometimes I feel shy asking Dad for his blessing… what if he doesn’t care?”
Her grandfather shook his head.
“Don’t believe that, my child. A father’s heart fills with love when his child asks for his blessing. Do you remember when Jesus was a child and lived with the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph? The Bible says that ‘He was obedient to them’ (Luke 2:51), meaning He honored and obeyed His parents. And if the Son of God Himself did this, how much more should we?”
Sofía remained silent, pondering.
“So… if Dad blesses me, will God protect me more?”
Her grandfather nodded with a big smile.
“Of course. Listen to what Saint John Chrysostom said: ‘Children who despise their parents’ blessing are like those who reject God’s blessing’ (Homily on Ephesians 20). When your father places his hand on your head and says, ‘God bless you, my child,’ it’s as if God Himself is embracing you and covering you with His mantle.”
Sofía felt a lump in her throat. She thought about all the nights she had gone to bed without asking for her father’s blessing.
“Grandpa… I think I’m going to ask Dad for his blessing.”
The old man kissed her forehead.
“That’s what I wanted to hear, little one. Go with confidence, because when you receive his blessing, you also receive God’s.”
Sofía ran down the hallway and found her father reading in the living room. She stopped in front of him, nervous.
“Dad… can you bless me?”
The man looked up, surprised, and then smiled. He stood up, placed his hand on his daughter’s head, and with a firm voice, said:
—May the Lord bless you and keep you.
—May the Lord protect you and defend you.
—May He show His beautiful face to you and have mercy on you.
—May the Lord bless you and give you peace.
Sofía felt a warmth in her chest, as if an invisible light surrounded her. She closed her eyes and, for the first time, understood the power of those words.
From that night on, she never went to sleep without her father’s blessing.
And God was with her every day of her life.
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