"I also saw worldly and Protestant ecclesiastics in Germany expressing wishes and forming plans for the fusion of religions and for the suppression of papal authority.
And this plan had its promoters among the prelates in Rome! "(AA.III.179)
Visions and Revelations of Ana Catalina Emmerich.
The following are eleven of the steps that have been taken in the process of Protestantization of the Church. They are not the only ones, but some of the most important ones. Naturally, according to the promise of Christ, there will always be a healthy part of the Church that will remain true and completely Catholic and will reject the protestantization that they seek to impose. Everything indicates that the general apostasy announced in the Holy Scripture is in a very advanced process. Notwithstanding all this, we know by faith that eventually the Church will triumph.
1.- Six Protestant pastors were allowed to collaborate with Archbishop Anibal Bugnini (later accused of being a Mason and exiled as a diplomat pro-nuncio in Iran for the same reason) in the elaboration of the new rite of Mass (imposed in 1969) from which it was suppressed the Catholic theology which bothered the so-called "separated brothers”, and a new rite was created which, according to Cardinal Bacci and Cardinal Ottaviani (Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), "departs dramatically as a whole and in detail from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass as formulated by the 20th session of the Council of Trent which, by fixing the ‘canons’ of the rite, raised an insurmountable barrier against any heresy that could infringe upon the integrity of the Mystery.”
2. After this, several Protestant pastors declared to be able to "celebrate" their Dinner with the same rite of the new Mass as the theological obstacles that this secular rite (the traditional Mass) presented against their heresies had disappeared. Bishop Bugnini acknowledges that the liturgical reform was carried out with an "ecumenical" intention to please Protestants.
3.- From November 1969 onwards it was prohibited (against all Law, since it was never abolished) IN THE PRACTICE the celebration of the Traditional Mass with people, and those who celebrate it are persecuted, harassed and / or punished.
4. In the last decades, in contravention of the traditional doctrine as well as the dispositions of Pius XI (encyclical Mortalium Animos), multiple ecumenical acts, like those made in Assisi, have been carried out.
5. – It was spread in the Church the extremely serious mistake that the Protestant sects are also ways of salvation and that they make up (together with the Orthodox and Catholics) the Church of Christ, thus ignoring the dogmatic truth (which was always preached by the Church) that indicates that the only Church of Christ is the Catholic Church and this is the only true way of salvation.
6.- Until 2007, after three pontificates, Benedict XVI recognized that the traditional rite of the Mass was never abolished and that any priest has the right to use it. Nevertheless, many bishops - contrary to all Law - continue to avoid it in their dioceses and excluding those who attempt to celebrate it.
7. In October 2016, a statue of Luther presided over the papal audience. There a group of Protestants delivered a luxurious book with the theses of Luther to Pope Francis who received it smiling and gratefully.
8.- Days later, Pope Francis went to Sweden to pay homage to Luther and to commemorate - with the Lutherans - the (badly called) Protestant Reformation. He refers to the blasphemous heresiarch with these words in the Lutheran cathedral of Lund: "Luther found that merciful God in the Good News of Jesus Christ" (31-X-16). There he signed a Declaration that says: "We are deeply grateful for the spiritual and theological gifts received through the (Lutheran) Reformation."
9. On the eve of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Pontifical Council for the Union of Christians issued a document on the new relations between Catholics and Lutherans. There we learned that "Separating what is controversial from the good things of the Reformation, Catholics are now able to lend their ears to Luther's challenges to today’s Church, recognizing him as a “witness of the gospel.”
10. In January 2017, Francis stated that, according to him, the intention of Martin Luther, five hundred years ago, "was to renew the Church, not to divide it" and that "at the same time we have alive in our hearts the sincere repentance [Sic] for our sins [Sic]”. And he congratulated Cardinal Kurt Koch (see video below), president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, for his article in L'Osservatore Romano, where he noted: "(Luther) had in mind the renewal of the whole Christianity in the spirit of the Gospel ... in the Second Vatican Council, Martin Luther would have ‘found his own council’”. In 2012, when Koch still spoke as a Catholic, said that the Church would not celebrate Luther's schism in 2017 because the Church "cannot celebrate a sin."
11.- The Holy See announced that it will create a postal stamp with the figure of the heresiarch to commemorate the 500 years of his schism (which it improperly calls "Reformation"). Surely we will see acceleration of this process of protestantization in 2017, on the occasion of this "commemoration." It is rumored that if the door to sacrilege has already been opened so that - in certain cases - the divorced living in an adulterous union can receive Communion, the same door will also be opened to Protestants without having to convert.
There is much talk of "mercy", but sanctions and threats have already begun for those who oppose sacrilege and the protestantization of the Church. In fact, giving Communion to the divorced living in a new union is a significant step in that direction and an endorsement of Protestant customs. Thus, on January 16, the bishop of Pereira, Colombia, Rigoberto Corredor, suspended priest Luis Carlos Uribe Medina a divinis for rejecting the heterodox pastoral care derived from "Amoris Laetitia" (exhortation whose theses were already written 10 years ago by the Argentine priest Víctor Manuel Fernández, good friend of the then cardinal Bergoglio and that were transcribed after two useless and onerous synods, being that the theses were already predetermined). On the other hand, Bishop Mario Grech of the Diocese of Gozo, Malta, is saying that he will strip all priests of their priestly faculties if they do not follow their new guidelines (which state that: "If ... a separated or divorced person who is living in a new relationship can ... recognize and believe that he or she is at peace with God, cannot be excluded from participation in the sacraments of Confession and Eucharist"), which contradict the dogmatic and immutable doctrine of the Church and the immovable discipline intimately derived from it, established in Canon 915 of the Code of Canon Law, which orders that "those who obstinately persist in a manifest grave sin should not be admitted to Holy Communion." This judgment is based on the objective situation of the couple, called external jurisdiction, and is completely independent of their subjective feeling of guilt, which is part of what is called the internal jurisdiction.
As can be seen, persecution and invalid canonical sanctions are intended to be applied again, as when the same process was unjustly carried out with those who defended the traditional Mass and persevered in celebrating a rite that remained in force (decreed in perpetuity by Saint Pius V), as many years later Benedict XVI would recognize.
The process of protestantization is progressively accelerating, in fact in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and in the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, even though they retain their holders, they have made redundant – (on 2016) those elements that were opposed to this process. The same happened with Cardinal Burke for objecting in the synods that the Eucharist was sacrilegiously bestowed upon the divorced living in new unions. For this reason he was discharged as Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signatura and banished from Rome as patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta to which the Holy See also threatened as they did with the Franciscans of the Immaculate who had become "too" traditional.
Everything points to the beginning of the great apostasy. Those who realize this thank God and ask Him for the grace to remain faithful until the end, for during this process the number of deserters will be large and, abhorring what they believed, they will even imagine doing so in the name of God. Many of the faithful and clerics have already become modernists and have protestantized themselves (to a greater or lesser degree) without even noticing it, for when someone has been living for a long time in the midst of bad smells, stops noticing them. That process will be gradual and inadvertent , like that of the frog that dies boiled because the water in which it is in, heats gradually. Scripture prophesies that this apostasy will be universal. That is, only a few will keep faith and fidelity to the Catholic Church. It will be a true grace of God and an effect of their prayers and of their strong and good will, for they must overcome a thousand temptations (among them: social pressure, intellectual pride, self-judgment, rebellion to God under the pretext of obedience to authority - which is the master blow of Satan - fatigue in the struggle, etc.) that the Evil One will put in front of them to divert them. Let us be alert and pray much to preserve that whole faith and to defend catholicity.
Let us always keep in mind Saint Paul's warning: "But if we ourselves or an angel from heaven preached to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be ANATHEMA" Galatians 1: 8.
Come, Lord Jesus.
COMMENT TO THE VIDEO: The Truth and the error are not in parity to "rediscover" anything. The Catholic Church has the whole of the Gospel; it is heresy that must cease in order to truly come to Christ and discover Him in His entirety. Not making heretics see this is gravely contrary to the charity that must watch over the salvation of their souls. The mission of the Church is to save souls and to make them see with charity the wrongs of their mistakes and to preach to them the immutable Truth that has as a divine deposit, attracting them to the true and unique Church of Christ: the Catholic founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ on the rock of Peter. The order of Christ was, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to ALL CREATURES: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16: 15-16). But now, contrary to this, in the name of false ecumenism it is said that all proselytism is outlawed.
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