Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Saint Bernadette
Let us remember Saint Bernardette Soubirous (1879), the visionary of Our Lady in Lourdes-France, whose body has been preserved incorrupt by Our Lord until His Second Coming, for devotion of the faithful.
Bernadette Soubirous was born in Lourdes (France) in 1844, being the daughter of extremely poor parents. On the day of her baptism they named her María Bernarda (name she would use later when she became a religious) but everyone called her Bernadette.
She was the eldest of several brothers. His parents lived in a damp and poor basement, and her father worked as a garbage man for the hospital. The girl was always very weak in health because of the lack of food, and the unfortunately poor state of the room where she lived. In her first years, she suffered from cholera disease that left her extremely weakened. Because of the terribly cold weather in winter, in that region, Bernadette also suffered from asthma since she was ten, which when compressing the bronchial tubes produces continuous drowning and shortness of breath.
This disease tormented her all her life. At the end of her existence she also suffered from tuberculosis. In her, the words of Our Lord were fulfilled: "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, my Father will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it (through sufferings), that it may bring forth more fruit” (Jn. 15:2).
In Bernadette, the words of Saint Paul were fulfilled: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
Saint Bernadette,