Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Most Holy Virgin, full of grace, you who have pleased the Lord, deign to incline your eyes full of sweetness towards the children of men, in the midst of whom Divine Wisdom has said that it is His delight to dwell. But look more particularly at all the children who are today, more than ever, exposed to the dangers of the world. The dragon of the Apocalypse does not want to leave in the world anything that bears or can bear the name of God and would like to stain the innocence of children’s souls in order to erase forever in them all impulses towards God. 

 You who have always shown a particular predilection for children, do not allow this torrent of iniquity that pours out on the earth to irreparably corrupt the excellent dispositions of their souls. Remember that they are your most beloved inheritance, and that in union with your divine Son, they have cost you a very high price. May your Immaculate Heart deign to take them under your patronage, confirm them in their innocence and above all, may humanity protect them and shelter them. May your Heart obtain divine graces for them, especially that of fidelity to Divine Truth, and may it prevent the fire that He ignites in their hearts to be extinguished or stained. Amen. 

 Our Lady of Guadalupe, protect the children! 
Sanctify the children!
Save the children!