Friday, March 19, 2021
O Glorious Patriarch, Saint Joseph, in whom God has gathered the splendors of all the saints, grant us that, in this world of pride, we may take refuge in humility.
O Glorious, Saint Joseph, in whom God has gathered the privileges of the nine Choirs of Angels, grant us that, in this world of lust, we may keep ourselves pure in body and soul.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, you always provided firm consolation to the Mother of God, grant us that, in this world enslaved by sin, we may remain as faithful slaves of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, guardian of the Word of God made man, Our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us that, in the Culture of Death, we may live in true Charity.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, you faithfully cooperated while on Earth to the Redemptive Incarnation, grant us that, in these idolatrous times, we may always adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, provident supporter of the Sacred Family, provide our needs of soul, mind and body.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, you have always answered to all the pleas made to you, in such a way that made Saint Teresa awestruck because of the great graces that God granted her through your intercession. Grant us, too, ahe graces we ask you today.
Saint Joseph