The Virgin Mary sent a five-year-old boy in 1948 to dispel the doubts of Pope Pius XII. The French boy Gilles Bouhours from an early age spontaneously showed a devotion to prayer and penance, unusual for someone who had barely learned to speak.
On December 13, 1948, Gilles told his father that the Blessed Virgin Mary had entrusted him with a "secret" that he was to communicate only to the Pope. Somewhat incredulous, the father asked him to explain this matter to him, but the boy flatly refused.
Trying to make him give up, a few days later the father suggested that the child explain to the Virgin Mary that he did not have money to travel to Rome. Gilles did what his father had told him and to his father's surprise the little boy told him:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary has told me that you do have money for the trip and that you shouldn’t worry about the rest, everything will be sorted out."
They were finally received by Pope Pius XII on May 1, 1950. In the audience the boy asked the Pope to be alone with him. Only then did Gilles approach the Holy Father and told him the message:
"The Blessed Virgin Mary is not dead, she was assumed body and soul into Heaven."
The Pope was visibly moved after listening to the little boy.
In 1939, after being elected Pope, one of Pius XII's certainties was that he was going to proclaim the Dogma of the Assumption. All previous studies and investigations he had commissioned, and the Church's own Tradition confirmed the dogma. But German theologians disagreed.
Little Gilles Bouhours was prepared and sent by the Virgin Mary to present the sign that Pope Pius XII expected and that he had asked her for some time before. Thus, on November 1, 1950, the Pope proclaimed the Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary which declares that she was assumed body and soul into Heaven in the apostolic constitution "Munificentissimus Deus".
On February 24, 1960, little Gilles fell ill without the doctors being able to diagnose the cause of his illness and after receiving Extreme Unction, going to Confession and receiving Communion, he passed away.