—One goes to God only on one's knees; but man is too proud and fatuous to bend them (Saint Augustine).
—In the name of Jesus, let every knee bend in heaven, on earth, and in hell (Saint Paul).
If men could see you with the senses of the body, just as you are in the Most Holy Sacrament, they would all fall on their knees, face to the ground, to adore you irresistibly, even your most bitter enemies. But you have told me many times that freedom without proof is a hollow word that has no meaning. And because you created man free, you have placed a veil on this Sacrament, Mystery of Love and Faith, so that we would only contemplate you with that sixth sense of faith, which grows with humility and is atrophied and annulled with fatuity and pride, in order to prove free will in this way.
If I saw you with my physical senses I would kneel down, and why should I not see you with them and remain standing? Where is the “new man” in me? Oh, no! Now, more than ever, I will kneel down. I will kneel down, as Thomas did when, recognizing your divinity, he exclaimed: My Lord and my God! As Peter kneeled down when he confessed you as the Son of God; as Magdalene kneeled down, as the lame and lepers kneeled down, and the little blind people whom you healed; so I kneel down, with that signature, that gesture, the most natural, which constitutes in itself an act of faith, just as I would do if you drew back the veil of the Sacrament and I could see you face to face.
I know, Lord, that the Israelites ate the paschal lamb standing up, but because that was only a figure, a symbol, a promise; but… nothing more, and the promises are expected standing up. But in the fullness of time, You, in the Eucharist, are no longer a symbol, as many pretend, but the most living reality: You are Flesh and Blood, our food. And in all times You have placed living torches that bear witness to this reality. Thus Angela of Foligno, thus Elizabeth of Reute, Nicholas von Flue, Catherine of Siena, Louise Lateau, Anne Catherine Emmerich, Sister Maria Martha Chambon, Therese Neumann and so many others. If You left the Holy Mass, a bloodless renewal of the same Sacrifice of the Cross, also as a memorial of Your Passion and Death, and already at the beginning You prostrated Yourself on the ground next to the rock of Gethsemane, what less can I do than prostrate myself with You, at the moment of receiving that same blood that You sweated and shed?
“On my knees before this great Sacrament; “Let the Old Testament give way to the new Rite and let faith supply the weakness of our senses”; thus prays the Church in the “Tantum ergo”. You said very clearly, Lord: “new wine cannot be put into old wineskins”. If the Israelites remained standing, encouraging the hope of a promise, we, who have truly progressed, WISH TO KNEEL, and so we will, to receive and eat BEING IN SANCTIFYING GRACE (THAT IS: WITHOUT MORTAL SIN THROUGH SACRAMENTAL CONFESSION) the Same Reality that is present in all and even in the smallest particle of the consecrated host that we will receive IN THE MOUTH, not allowing it to be given to us in the hand because the consecrated particles (where you are complete with your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) would fall to the ground and other parts, something that we will never allow on our part.
We have every right to DEMAND that the Eucharist be given to us on our knees and in the mouth. And so, without fear or hesitation, we will demand it for love of You, and if we cannot obtain it, we will seek those pastors who have enough reverence to do so.
Praise be to the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar!
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