Tuesday, December 31, 2024



Our Father who art in heaven, owner of Truth, of time and of eternity: Yours is today and tomorrow, the past and the future. As we end the year 2024, on behalf of myself and my family, we want to thank you for everything we received from you.

Thank you for the family you gave us, for life and love, air and sun, for joy and pain, for everything that was possible and for what could not be.

Thank you for welcoming us into your true Church. We offer you everything we did this year that is ending. The work we were able to do, the things that passed through our hands, and what we were able to build with them in a positive way.

Also, Lord, today we want to ask for your forgiveness.

Forgiveness for our sins, for the evil we have caused, for the time lost, for the money wasted, for the omissions, for the useless word and the wasted love.

Forgive me for empty works and for work poorly done. And forgive me for living without enthusiasm. Also for the prayer, which little by little, we were postponing and which until now we do to thank you for all that you have given us.

For all our forgetfulness, carelessness and silence. Once again we ask for your forgiveness, Lord.

We will begin a new year and we stop our life, before the new calendar still unused. We present to you these future 365 days, which only You know, who will get to live them completely. If we do not finish them... help us to die in You, in sanctifying grace, after having gone - sincerely contrite - to the tribunal of Confession.

Today we ask you for each one of us: peace and joy, strength and prudence, charity and wisdom, the effort to be faithful to you and always live in your Grace, because only in Grace is the safe path traveled. Only the fool does not understand this, so we ask you to remove any blindfold that prevents us from seeing our foolishness.

Lord, help us to be jealous of your glory and that of your Church, and to live only for You, in You and for You.

We want to live each day with optimism and goodness, carrying everywhere a heart full of understanding and peace that always seeks the Truth of your Word. Let nothing tear us away from it, for your faith is our greatest treasure.

Close our ears to all slander, to false doctrines against your Word. And our lips to lying, selfish, biting or hurtful words. Open, instead, our being to all that is good.

May our spirit be filled only with blessings, and spread them in our path. Fill us with goodness and joy, so that those who live with us, or those who come close to us, find a little bit of YOU in our lives.

Thank you, Lord, for everything and forgive our debts to you. Guide us all along the path of the narrow road that will allow us one day to enter through the narrow door and be in your eternal lap to bless you forever and ever. If for this it is necessary that you use your right hand to shake us, we accept in advance any pain and sorrow, however difficult they may be.

Give us a happy 2022 and teach us to love you, always living in your grace, and to follow you with complete fidelity. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of the past year, as well as for those that you will pour out in the year that begins.

Most Holy Virgin Mary, I commend my entire family to your Immaculate Heart.


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