Tuesday, December 10, 2024


By Miguel Ángel Yáñez.

«The double-minded man shall not dwell in my house, and the liar shall not endure in my presence». From the Book of Psalms, 100-7.

Lies permeate everything around us today, they have penetrated [...] the faithful. Very little, very little, is saved from the downpour, it would seem that we live in a gigantic bubble from which it is impossible to escape. There exists a church of lies [the false church that the Holy Scripture warns us about] that today is overwhelmingly opposed to the Church of Truth.

As soon as a child is born, many lie in front of their children, when parents and/or godparents swear before the most sacred thing to educate and guard the Faith of the infant... without having the slightest intention of doing so, and with the sole purpose of using the sacred temple and the ceremony as a prelude to a private party for the presentation of their new child. In case there was any doubt, the priest had already previously taught us about the new Baptism, no original sin, it is a welcome party.

As soon as they teach us to pray they lie to us, showing us an Our Father in which the very words of Jesus Christ have been falsified... could there be greater audacity?

They deceive us when we go to catechism, instructing us in a Christianity alien to Catholic truth, to authentic sacramental life and to moral obligations... replacing it with a vague humanist and historical teaching of Christ, with no moral obligations. Of course, there is a thousand nonsense that is not lacking, from painting boats, doing theatre, to reminding us of urban planning and being "good" to the environment, but the children end up not even knowing how to make an act of contrition. Meanwhile, the parents completely wash their hands without assuming that it is not the "catechist", but that they are the main ones responsible for forming their children in a Christian way.

They lie to us at our first communion, when many parents take their children to catechism, not out of interest in them being catechized, but as a mere formality so that the priest on duty allows them to celebrate the beginning of their little "coming out" party... hours and hours preparing invitations and not a single one to see what education the child has. After communion, he does not appear again in the Church. A round of applause for consistency!

They cheat us in all kinds of "Catholic" groups, parish groups, choirs, prayer groups, renewal groups, communities... where in the end everything is encouraged, except a true sacramental and moral life in accordance with the traditional doctrine of the Church, and where the proper adoration and respect for the "weakest", the Eucharistic Jesus, is not promoted.

They falsify courtship when parents do not teach the values ​​of Christian commitment, and reduce everything to the search for perfect physical, economic and character attributes, but excluding spirituality and Christian values, tolerating, approving and applauding all the obvious immoralities that their children commit before their very eyes… parents apostatize to justify their children's apostasy.

They lie to us when we get married, selling us marriage as an open bar of concupiscence, where children are an object to be studied and dissected, rejecting full dedication and trust in God's Plan… responsible parenthood.

They mock us when we go to Mass, attending a ceremony in which the sacrificial reality of the Holy Mass has been camouflaged, concealed, hidden, to make us believe that it is a dinner of fraternal prayer… they want to sell us sugar wrapped in a packet of salt.

They deceive us with doctrine, when they try to pass off as Catholic what is nothing more than pure apostasy…

The Society does not only try to deceive us, but to make us lie, when they want us to call a man a woman, to call a woman a man, to call sodomy an orientation, to call the abnormal and aberrant normal and an option.

We are forced to agree with deception, when we have to dissimulate, remain silent, not say anything so as not to offend, the flood of nonsense, apostasies, immoralities and irrational acts that we never stop seeing in almost everything and everyone around us: concubinage, adultery, divorce, immorality, abortions, playing with embryonic life…

They deceive us even when we die, when they tell everyone who attends our funeral that we are already in heaven, when most likely, in the best of cases, we are in purgatory waiting for someone to pray for us to relieve us… but nobody does it, because a heartless man in a chasuble has taken it upon himself to tell everyone that it is not necessary, since I am saved.

They lie to us from birth to death and, what is worse, they try to force us to lie. They want us to believe that we live in a fairy tale, when it is a horror story, although wrapped in a giant smile. But do not forget, we cannot lie to God. He is filming the movie of our lives, in very slow motion, with all kinds of details, and He will ask us to account not only for what we have done, but for what we have failed to do... and say.

Who is not complicit in this great lie to a greater or lesser extent? The crisis of the Church and of society is, above all, a crisis of Saints, of brave people.

He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.

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