Monday, October 9, 2017
Our Lady of the Rosary
All Christian Europe was about to be invaded by the Muslims. Had that been the case, the history of the world would have been completely different. And only God knows what darkness would have invaded all the Christian peoples... just imagine the current persecution in Syria, all Middle East and Africa!
Pope St. Pius V called the Christian nations to form an army to defeat them. Who would command the Christian Armed Forces?!... He celebrated a Mass so that God would illuminate him... and while he was reading the Last Gospel he read ... "there was a man sent from God, whose name was John..." "Heaven has answered," he thought, "Don Juan of Austria, a great man, Christian, soldier, illegitimate son of Charles V, great-grandson of the great Isabel la Católica, would guide the Christian army, infinitely smaller than the Muslim army."
The decisive battle was fought at Lepanto in 1571 ... the enemy forces were far superior, the Pope was praying, the Vatican was wielding the Rosary... and at that moment he had a vision: the Christian army had miraculously won! Christianity had been spared of the invasion that would have ended with all the Christianity in Europe! Thanks to the Holy Rosary!
Therefore, the Pope instituted the Feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7, when the Battle of Lepanto was won.
Let us reflect ... a grandson of Isabel la Católica... the praying of the Holy Rosary...
The year 1571 witnessed "the most memorable and high occasion that the last centuries have witnessed and that future ones may hope to see," said Miguel de Cervantes, the Manco of Lepanto. At the geographical and historical crossroads of the Gulf of Lepanto, Spain, once again provided a decisive battle for the destiny of mankind.
Today we are fighting an even worse battle... we will have to do our part...
For this reason, there is a particular urgency of unity today, when a silent Muslim infiltration is invading Europe, when it is trying to dismember Christianism, when human sacrifices are renewed - through the crime of abortion - in many countries and, paradoxically, in Mexico where Our Lady of Guadalupe came to abolish them, when the Church is occupied - to a great extent - by forces that try to destroy it from the inside, when the dictatorship of relativism invades and numbs consciences, when the family is the target of all the attacks from the infernal forces.
Let us pray our Rosary for our nations during this month, asking for forgiveness for the sins that we commit as a nation, and especially for the abortion. Let us console the heart of Our Lady and strive to eradicate abortion and ban it in our countries.
May God help us all to pray the Holy Rosary with all our hearts, and to do penance so that through the intercession of Our Lady this GREAT BATTLE THAT CHRISTIANITY IS WAGING AGAINST THE DEVIL IS WON.
Saint Pius V,
Virgin Mary