Sunday, March 19, 2017
Believe It or Not!
(Voto Católico). Last Monday was the fourth year anniversary of the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope, and on this date Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter, gave permission to the Anglican Protestant community of Rome to celebrate their vespers in the Basilica (See:
As an act of reparation, a group of young people from the Associazone Madonna di Fatima made a procession with the image of Our Lady of Fatima in St. Peter's Square. Although on the way to the square, the demonstrators were carrying banners with messages like "outside the Church there is no salvation", and handing out leaflets in which it was remembered that the Doctrine of the Church condemns the participation in the cult of the heretics, everyone left the things they were carrying before entering the Vatican. Nevertheless, while they were walking into St. Peter’s Square, they were approached by the police, and they were asked to leave the place.
At the Anglican Vespers was present Bishop Arthur Roche, recently appointed by Pope Francis as head of a commission to review the document of John Paul II, Liturgiam Authenticam, on the translations of the liturgical texts. His presence generated suspicions among the Vaticanists, since it is rumored that the real purpose of this commission, is in fact a new reform of the mass to be able to “concelebrate” it with Protestant ministers, and to achieve the "intercommunion" that has been hinted at in several speeches of Pope Francis.
Pope Francis,